On DATEX User Forum web are published presentations from DATEX User Forum in Prague 2014.
There is around 36 valuable documents, showing slides presented during this forum.
Some of topics covered are:
- National Deployments (technical)
- Managing DATEX II deployments
- Parking
- Usage of published data in traffic management
- DATEX II Model content
- Future of DATEX II (Standardization, Exchange, roadmap till 2020, EasyWay deployment guidelines)
- DATEX II Profiles and Extensions
- Published data and international exchange
DATEX User Forum has a tradition in publishing presentations on-line, so complete set of links to presentations from all recent Forums is here:
It is interesting to see, how relevant is content of many of the presentations even 4 years after publishing.
If reading any of these presentations raises doubts or questions, we will be glad to answer them or link you to the person we think is the most competent ones.