We got today a letter from TACR (Technology agency of the Czech Republic) that our proposal for research project dealing with RDS-TMC was accepted and we shall have our effort co-funded.
The project is planned to last from now till end of 2014.
Speedy + RDS-TMC = TurboTMC
Official name of the project is Tools for improvement of quality and quantity of traffic information provided in the RDS-TMC
But we call it TurboTMC. TMC comes from "RDS-TMC" which is the technology for broadcasting traffic information for naviation devices, used in many countries. Turbo part shall denote, that we are aiming at broadcasting up to 5-7 times higher amount of status traffic information than is usually done today.
We are going to provide more details about this project later on, but for now we can quickly serve aim and annotation of the project, as stated in our project proposal.
The project aims to increase traffic flow by development and deployment of tools for improvement of the quality and quantity of traffic information provided in the RDS-TMC service.
Project will increase quality of traffic information in the RDS-TMC service by providing RDS-TMC receiver capable of ALERT C and ALERT Plus (7/2014), automatic monitoring system for RDS-TMC (11/2013), methodology of interpretation the traffic information in the RDS-TMC (11/2013) and test suite for navigation device vendors RDSlab (11/2014).
Quantity of traffic information provided in the RDS-TMC service will by increased by providing a specialized location data set for ALERT Plus (11/2013) and a RDS-TMC transmitter capable of ALERT C and ALERT Plus (9/2014).
The above results can be combined. Providers of traffic information may just utilize the transmitter or just the automatic monitoring system of RDS-TMC service. We expect that, manufacturers of navigation systems will use our "test suite", a combination of transmitter-receiver and methodology of implementation, to verify the functionality of navigation devices against prepared data and their expected results.
The main objective of the project is to increase the flow of traffic using transport telematics, by creating and deploying tools for improving the quality and quantity of traffic information in the RDS-TMC. Increasing the quantity of traffic information project enables by the development and deployment of RDS-TMC utilizing ALERT Plus, optimized format that makes possible to effectively deliver more status oriented traffic information with lower latency. To the improvement of the quality of the RDS-TMC, the project will contribute by developing, deploying a system for automatic monitoring of technical quality of RDS-TMC service and by creating a methodology for encoding traffic information to the RDS-TMC and their interpretation in navigation devices. For manufacturers of navigation systems the methodology facilities, as a part of the test suite consisting also from transmitter and receiver, testing of RDS-TMC functionality of navigation devices. The participating provider of traffic information will provide a test bed for which the tools developed in the project.
We have set up small consorcium for this project:
- Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences
- TamTam Research s.r.o.
- CE-Traffic, a.s.
Target audience
Results of the project shall serve for those, who need to:
- monitor existing RDS-TMC service, possibly also visualise the content
- develop and test an application for mobile device
- run innovated RDS-TMC service providing status information at higher capacity than today
If you fall into any of these user categories, stay tuned. If you are interested or would like to participate in testing, let us know.
Update: see web presentation at http://turbotmc.com